วันเสาร์ที่ 19 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2554

4D Cityscape 4D New York City Skyline Time Puzzle | 4D2you

4D Cityscape 4D New York City Skyline Time Puzzle | 4D2you

I am certainly not the puzzle, but this takes the prize as the most entertaining puzzles and geographically most interesting I've seen, and together, it takes great effort to put together all the pieces of the puzzle, namely the first layer and top layer of less of 120 buildings, but I think what they are for the puzzle. I was so engrossed with it for the final assembly of the lower layer came to have a session "disconcerting" marathon that lasted 8 1 / 2 hours non-stop, breaking pieces of the match and the final assembly of the head, almost an act of obsession !
The detail of the tracks, especially in small buildings, it was quite amazing and surprising, given its size and price of the product.
A recommendation that I found very useful and which are not mentioned in the manual is to get a base (wood, plastic, etc.), large enough to serve as a mounting base, as are small pieces of the puzzle many, many buildings and a variety of detail, which could also have a basis for the final show permanently, or at least until the puzzle is fully prepared and ready to be transferred to a more permanent basis.
A minor disappointment was the fact that the construction of the Metropolitan Museum is not included in the game (no doubt the biggest tourist attraction in the city of New York and the most important historic building), the detail on the bridges, compared with details All 120 buildings, not exhisting, and the same can be said about the World Trade Center Twin Towers, the manufacturer decided to include in the puzzle, as well as having their own places in the final puzzle assembled, despite the fact that no longer exists.
In general, a very commendable, just be prepared to become unconsciously obsessed with the end of the puzzle and a little water or other liquids readily available, or I could end up dehydrated blissfull obsession!

